# 编辑器辅助类
# Better Align
Better vertical alignment with/without selection in any language for any characters or words.
# Features
- Allow align code in any language
- Align code by any characters
- Smart align with or without selection
- Auto align after you type enter
# Black Formatter
代码格式化工具 - Python
# Features
Integrated formatting: Once this extension is installed in VS Code, Black will be automatically available as a formatter for Python. This is because the extension ships with a Black binary. You can ensure VS Code uses Black by default for all your Python files by setting the following in your User settings (View > Command Palette... and run Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON)):
"[python]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "ms-python.black-formatter"
Format on save: Automatically format your Python files on save by setting the editor.formatOnSave setting to true and the editor.defaultFormatter setting to ms-python.black-formatter. You can also enable format on save for Python files only by adding the following to your settings:
"[python]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "ms-python.black-formatter",
"editor.formatOnSave": true
Customize Black: You can customize the behavior of Black by setting the black-formatter.args setting.
# Code Spell Checker
A basic spell checker that works well with code and documents.
# Highlight Line
Highlights the current line in the editor.
# indent-rainbow
This extension colorizes the indentation in front of your text, alternating four different colors on each step. Some may find it helpful in writing code for Python, Nim, Yaml, and probably even filetypes that are not indentation dependent.
# Indenticator
Visually highlights the current indent depth.
# Trailing Spaces
highlight trailing spaces and delete them in a flash!
# vim
vscode vim支持插件
VSCodeVim is a Vim emulator for Visual Studio Code.
# 项目类
# DotENV
.env 文件 高亮
# Project Manager
# 前段类
# Iconify IntelliSense
Iconify 图标插件
# Volar
vue 开发必备
# Prettier
# 框架类
# 微信小程序开发工具
# 功能扩展类
# REST Client
REST Client allows you to send HTTP request and view the response in Visual Studio Code directly.
# Draw.io Integration
This unofficial extension integrates Draw.io (also known as diagrams.net) into VS Code.
# Excel Viewer
this extension provides custom editors and previews for CSV files and Excel spreadsheets in Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio Code for the Web.
# Live Share
Visual Studio Live Share enables you to collaboratively edit and debug with others in real time, regardless what programming languages you're using or app types you're building. It allows you to instantly (and securely) share your current project, and then as needed, share debugging sessions, terminal instances, localhost web apps, and more! Developers that join your sessions receive all of their editor context from your environment (e.g. language services, debugging), which ensures they can start productively collaborating immediately, without needing to clone any repos or install any SDKs.